
Here we highlight upcoming events. Don't see what you're looking for in the event blocks? Scroll to the bottom to access our calendar, then click on what interests you for even more details.

Guest Minister Dino Rizzo

All Campuses | July 27 + 28

We're excited to welcome back Pastor Dino Rizzo, Executive Director of ARC (Association of Related Churches), an organization he co-founded which has planted hundreds of churches across the country. He is also the author of the book Servolution. In it you'll discover, "wherever you live and whatever resources God has put in your hands, you can play a vital role in serving people in the love of Christ."

Guest Minister Dino Rizzo

First Saturday Prayer

All Campuses | Saturday, August 3 at 9am

For First Saturday Prayer in August, we are feeling a strong call to pray for our nation. We will be praying from the Freedom campus worship auditorium and will stream live to all campuses so our whole church family can join in.

Come lend your voice at your campus for this important call to prayer:

Freedom Campus Worship Auditorium

Fairlawn Campus Worship Auditorium

Stow Campus Worship Auditorium

Our Online campus gathers on Zoom. Use this link to register.

First Saturday Prayer

Water Baptism

Freedom + Fairlawn + Stow Campuses | August 3 + 4

Water baptism is an outward expression of the commitment we've made in our hearts to follow Jesus. If you recently made this commitment but haven’t yet been baptized, we invite you to participate.

Click the button for info and to register for a baptism at your campus.

Info + Registration
Water Baptism

Back-To-School Drive

All Campuses | Now through August 11

We are partnering with local schools to help supply students with their most needed items as they return to class. The needed items are...

Hygiene Products

toothbrushes and toothpaste

body wash/soap


shampoo and conditioner


every size (male + female)


every size (male + female)

Laundry Detergent

Collection boxes will be in the foyers at every campus until August 11.

Or you can shop our Amazon Wishlist and ship directly to the church. Choose the Freedom campus for shipping, and place your orders by Monday, August 5.

Amazon Wishlist
Back-To-School Drive

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Serve Opportunities, Starting Point, Teams, Groups

See our events calendar below for a full view of what's happening at Faith Family.

Looking for opportunities to serve in our community? Head to our Outreach page.

Looking for Starting Point, Teams, or Connect Group information? Head to our Get Involved page.

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Check out our church calendar.


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